Wednesday, February 13, 2008

How to Select Your Essay Topic?

At the beginning of this process, you may feel as if youve entered a strange territory without a map., you need guidelines for choosing you topic if you must select your own or for narrowing a general topic assigned to you. This section shows you how to get ideas for topics and what subjects are best to avoid.

Three Criteria for a Topic

Whether you write a literary, argumentative essay, position, or descriptive paper, the subject you select must meet three important criteria.

1. The topic should interest you.
2. It should be within your abilities.
3. There should be enough information available on it to complete a paper.

The first criterion is the most important. Something besides fear of failure has to sustain you through all the hours it takes to research, write, and revise a report or term paper. Make the paper a process of discovery for yourself something you want to know or say about a topic. That desire will help to see you through to the end of the project.

The second criterion is also essential. You may be interested in a topic but not have the background or ability to handle it in a paper. Say, for example, you are interested in the flights of Voyagers 1 and 2. you want to do a report on some of the computer programs that send commands to the small spacecrafts. The scientific journals are filled with complex diagrams and explanations, but you find none of it makes any sense to you. You have no background in computer programming and no ability to translate technical information into plain English.

You will either have to find a book or an article that translates the material for you or find another topicperhaps what Voyager 2 revealed about the rings of Uranus or the surprises the spacecraft uncovered as it passed by the outer planets. Although the topic about the computer programs fulfills two of the three criteriait interests you and there is plenty of informationif it is beyond your abilities, you will not be able to complete a paper successfully.

Finally, make sure enough information is readily available for you to develop your custom paper For instance, you may have heard about rockandroll bands springing up in Tibet. The subject intrigues you, and you feel you have enough musical background to write about it. But preliminary research turns up only a half-page article in a weekly news magazine. Obviously, you are not going to be able to build a tern- or fifteen-page report on one short article. A better topic may be the rise of rock bands in China and Japan, a phenomenon covered in the U.S. and international press.

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How To Achieve Personal Success In Nine Easy Ways

How do I succeed? This is a question that is asked by millions of people all over the world every day. Some get to find the answer. A whole lot however are not so lucky. They end up either bitter, sorry for themselves or both. But assume it was you asking this question.

What would you do to be able to succeed? For 11 years I was unsuccessful and all the while searched for ways by which I could be successful. I tried many ways that didn't work. Some I did not bother to try as I did not want anything to bother my conscience, you know what I mean.

However some four or fives years ago, after walking the long hard road I can say that I am at last successful! Reflecting on what had led me to my success, I discovered that there were ten basic things that had led me and everyone else who has achieved success to it.

you too can use them starting right now! The 9 ways include:

1. Believe in God

If you want to achieve personal success, then belief in God should be the first thing you must do. This is because the universe you live in was created by a force, a power incredibly powerful. Take a look at the sea and the sky. It's just amazing. Think of how you were conceived. Whoever created those and you surely must have a say in your life, don't you think so?

2. Believe in yourself

If think you can, you can, if you think you can't, you can't. Success starts first with god and next with you. God can't do a thing for you if you are not ready to do something about making your life and your future better. Your attitude will be the single determining factor of your success. Get it right and you will become successful.

3. Determine what you want

What do you want to get out of life? What do you want to have? What kind of person do you want to become? You must determine all this from the onset.

4. Set goals to get where you want to be

Now that you have determined where you want to be, you must also set the goals that will lead you there. The person who has their goal written down and referred to often always succeeds.

5. Make a start

The bottom-line of success is to get off your ass and do something. If you sit back and wait for success to come to you like a hurricane, then you my friend have a long wait coming. I doubt if you will stay alive long enough to see the end of it.

6. Get a mentor

If you want to succeed fast, without hassles, avoidable mistakes and fine advice, then as a matter of urgency, go get yourself a mentor. A mentor is the only person who will lead you to the succcess you crave. and that is guaranteed. Enough said.

7. Create your own network

Start creating your own network of friends. Anytime you meet someone new, strive to get their card or contact details. Two days after you meet them call them up or send an email reminding them of who you are and were you met. From time to time call them up, send them cards during holidays, etcetera. Do this consistently and in no time at all, you will have at your beck and call a large group of people who will be ready to help you anytime.

8. Read daily a book in your field

I have discovered that in books lie the riches of the earth. A book can contain information that four years at a university won't give you. So start reading a book a week on any area of endeavor you want to excel in and in no time at all, you will become he person you want to discuss.

9. Do not give up

Many people quit at the point of victory. Oh! If only they had persevered a little while longer, they could have achieved success. Think, what would have become of the world if Thomas Edison had given up after his 100th try at inventing the light bulb? There probably would be no electricity as we now know it. Do not ever give up, as long as the dream you are pursuing is what you really want.

So can you go out now and start achieving personal success? Yes you can. Start using them immediately.

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Weight Gain Myths

Gaining weight is a gradual process that requires constant training and high intensity workouts. However, people do have certain myths regarding weight gaining program.

High repetitions burn fat while low repetitions build muscle: This statement is far from being true. In order to lose weight, one needs to decrease average calorie intake. However, for gaining muscle strength, one needs to have a progressive workload with a variable frequency of repetitions.

Vegetarians cannot build muscle: Research has shown that vegetarians can indeed gain muscle with regular training and daily supplementation of soy protein isolates.

Strength training will make you look masculine: This is the most common myth among women. However, building muscle is a steady process that needs proper strength-training regime ably supported by proper diet. Testosterone, which is the male sex hormone, is primarily responsible for muscle gaining in men. The secretion of this hormone is quite low in women, resulting in lesser muscular growth.

Many people believe that they can eat anything if they are doing a regular exercise. However, diet has a major role to play in defining a persons general health and physique. It is always important to balance the ratio of calorie intake and calories burnt.

Occasional break from a rigorous training schedule is useful as it helps in refreshing the muscles and helps them to recover.

Eating more protein doesnt necessarily help in gaining weight. Muscle building is primarily dependant on two factors which include a progressive workload and eating good calorie food. Diet derived from carbohydrates would be more useful.

One should always avoid taking steroids for building muscle as they are more harmful than being good.

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