Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Local Area Network

If you want to transfer some of your data files from one computer to another in your office what will you do? One option you have is to take a floppy or CD and copy the data into it from source computer and go to destination computer and download the file in it. This method is very much time consuming and also you can not copy the data more then 1.44MB in floppy and around 800MB in CD.

What if you have more than 2GB or more data to transfer? Here we can use LAN. A LAN is a group of two or more computers that can share information and resources. You can have 1000s of computer in your LAN depending on the size of your organization as long as the computers are kept in one building or location. Here I am going to tell you how to build a small Local Area Network of 5-10 computers. First of all we need to know the equipments that are required to setup a LAN.

Computers: - Obviously you need 2 or more computers to build a network because one computer can not make a Network

Cables: - Depending on your network size and utilization you can select the category of the cables. For a small network you can use CAT5 cable which supports 10/100Mbps speed. However you have option to purchase Cat 6 Cable also which support speed of up to 1Gbps. Here I will use CAT5 Cable.

Hub / Switch: - This is a device the will be put in a central location and all the PCs will connect to it. These devices can be of 4, 8, 16, or 24 ports. They come with more ports also. These days switches are being used everywhere as they are more advance then HUB.

NIC: - Network Interface cards are required for you PCs. Here also you have option to get a card of 10/100 or 10/100/1000Gbps speed. Again it depends on your requirement and budget. One end of network cable will connect to NIC in your computer and another end will go to switch. Note: - Most of the computers these days comes with built in network card so you dont really need to purchase NIC if you already have one on your computers motherboard.

RJ45 Connector: - These are small jacks that need to be punched at both ends of cables. You dont need to buy these connectors separately because readymade cables are available in market but of course if the desired length cable is not available then you will have to get the RJ45 Connectors and punch them at both ends of cable as per the cabling standard.

Once you have all the equipments you are ready to do connectivity among your computers and some windows settings. Follow the steps below to get your network up and running.

Step1: - Open your computers one by one and install the NIC. As I mentioned above if you have built in network card on your computers motherboard then you dont need to do this activity. Better you buy PC with built in network card this way you can save lots of time.

Step2:- Connect all the computers one by one to your hub/switch. Once you connect all the computers just power on the switch.

Step3: - Now you have you to do some settings in your PC. All the PCs should have a unique identification so that another computer on network can identify it. Just in human beings we know people with their names, in computers they identify each other with their unique IP Address. These are 32 bit octets in the form of 0 and 1. We write IP address in the decimal form like You have two options to provide IP address one is manual by sitting on each computer and typing the IP address and another is through DHCP Server. You can say DHCP server as a service of Microsoft Windows 2000/2003 Server which automatically provide IP address to computers as soon as they boot. For a small network of 10-20 PCs you dont need DHCP server but for big network it would be very confusing and time consuming to provide IP address manually. In our scenario you can give IP address manually because we are setting up a network of just 10 PC. Now log in to PCs with administrative privilege and follow the steps below to give IP address to PCs.

a. Click on Start Settings Network Connection and then double click on Local Area Connection. b. From the new Window click on properties and on the new window scroll down to select internet protocol TCP/IP. Double click on it or click on properties to give IP address. c. On the opened window give an IP address in the space provided. Just below IP address there is an option of subnet mask. As soon as you will give the IP address the subnet mask will come automatically depending on the Network Class you have selected.

Once you are done just save the settings by clicking on apply and OK. Repeat all 3 steps above on all your computers but remember to give unique IP address to each computer. You can check the connectivity among the computers by running a command called PING on each computer. Just go to command prompt and type ping IP ADDRESS (For example Ping you should get reply from another computer which has the IP address, remember the PC you are trying to ping should be switch ON. If you get a message saying REQUEST TIME OUT that means the PC you are trying to ping is switch off or there is some problem in the connectivity. So you will have to check it.

These settings are enough to get your LAN up and running how ever in IP settings page you have some more options that you can define as long as you have installed these services in you network. For example DNS, Gateway or WINS.

Sukhsagar Prajapati
Read More on http://www.techdatainfo.blogspot.com

Breast Enlargement Secrets For Males

More and more males are opting for breast enlargement as a form of self expression. Whether they are crossdressers, trangenderists, or transsexuals, many males seek to feminine their figures without the risk or expense of surgery.

So what's the alternative? The answer is hormones. Hormones trigger breast growth in adolescent girls and are the catalyst behind intentional male breast enlargement. Adding female hormones to the male body is a reliable way to trigger male breast enlargement.

However, there are numerous risks associated with synthetic hormones, including depression, mood swings, hypothyroidism, and an increased potential for liver or breast cancer.

Fortunately, herbs are one feminizing alternative that won't cost you your health! There are over 300 plants with phytoestrogenic activity and these herbs can have a powerful impact on the hormonal balance of the male body.

Does that mean you can just swallow a few herbs and wait for your breasts to blossom? The answer is no. There is another ingredient that is needed: massage.

Breast massage is crucial for male breast enlargement for two reasons:

1.Massage increases circulation to the breasts
2.Massage stimulates prolactin production

Any herbs you take must first be digested and circulated through the bloodstream before they can be delivered to your breasts. Thats where massage comes in. By increasing blood flow to the breasts, massage helps direct herbal traffic to the areas that need it most.

Regular stimulation to the breasts and nipples also sends a signal to the brain to produce prolactin. This hormone is associated with breast development and milk production and can be produced by both males and females. Massage is a surefire way to get this breast enhancing hormone flowing.

Male breast enlargement used to be a risky proposition, but you now have an alternative. Herbs and massage are a safe and natural way for any male to have fully developed breasts of his own!

Certified Herbal Information Specialist Lucille Sorella publishes the popular weekly ezine, Secrets to Male Breast Enlargement. If you're ready to develop feminine breasts safely and naturally, get your FREE tips now at http://www.flat2fem.com

10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace

Success and inner peace tend to go hand in hand but you may find one before you find the other. Many people struggle early on in life to obtain success in their careers but find that they are extremely taxed and turn to practices and techniques for inner peace as they grow older. Others may throw themselves into spiritual practices when they are young but find that they really need to concentrate more on money and success as they get older. It does not really matter which of these you choose to pursue in the beginning, you will eventually see the importance of both as you grow in wisdom and you will be interested in finding some tips or secrets that can help you to obtain them both. Here are ten secrets to help you find both success and inner peace in your life.

Choose a career or course of study that actually interests you instead of what you think you are "supposed" to be. You will find more happiness and energy to pursue something you really love in life rather than something you think you are "supposed" to do and this will eventually bring both success and inner peace together.

Choose your mate very carefully. This will be the person you are going to spend the rest of your life with! Falling in love is easy but staying in love is very hard. Make sure you are with the person you want to spend the rest of your life with before you go making a lot of promises you can not keep.

Take up some hobbies or self-improvements early in life so that you will grow into a person with a wide range of talents and abilities as you get older. Widen your horizons and you will find that life will come much easier to you as you grow.

Avoid negative people and people with emotional problems unless you plan to be a therapist or professional healer. More than likely, a person with emotional problems will hurt you before you are able to "help" them. Kindness and good can go a long way but take care of yourself first and foremost.

Depend on yourself before you depend on anyone else. You are the best person to trust of anyone you know and learning to depend on yourself will strengthen your character and assure you of having a great friend with you at all times!

Find out what your weaknesses are and make an effort to overcome them. Everyone is born with some things that they are not so good at. Very few people are willing to admit this fact and try to do something about it. Facing your fears can make you a stronger person and someone who you can always depend on.

Avoid getting stuck in a bad habit or even worse, an addictive personality. Putting your own spiritual growth at the center of your life will make it possible to avoid the pitfalls of drugs and alcohol and find inner peace much easier.

Do not expect yourself to be perfect. Mistakes and weaknesses are what makes you human and someone that people can love. If we all had this game figured out, we would not need each other and that would make for a very lonely time.

Helping others is great but help yourself first. If you learn to help yourself without hurting others, you will become the person that others can look toward rather than the person that others take advantage of.

Finally, exercise and meditation are two great ways to make good use of your spare time. With a healthy body and healthy mind, you will find success and inner peace right around the corner.

Gary Miller was the World's Leading expert on Negative Thinking until he lost approximately $3 Million Dollars because of a lifetime of negative thinking. To learn more about his Journey to a Positive Thinking Recovery and weekly FREE Positive Thinking techniques, you can visit his web site at: http://www.positivethinkingnow.com