Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Best and Worst of April's Weather

If Johannes Kepler, the renowned 17th century astronomer and discoverer of the planetary laws of motion, could speak from the heavenlies, he might have a few words of wisdom to share with the National Weather Service. Although Keplers name is not normally associated with meteorology, he was quite the weather forecaster in his day. His first claim to fame, by the way, was not due to his discovery of those planetary laws, but because of his accurate long-range weather forecast of the severe winter that put Styermark, Germany on ice in 1593.

Keplers genius and outside-the-box thinking led him to equate terrestrial weather patterns with the geometrical formations made between the earth and planets. Since these formations could be calculated in advance, he reasoned, their effect on the weather could be as well. Through the publishing of his almanacs, the Royal Astronomer helped make ends meet when at times the kings who employed him were delinquent in their payments.

Keplers contribution to meteorology, along with his long-range forecast method, have all but been forgotten. And as would be expected, present day meteorology, ashamedly, has no real long-range weather forecast capability. Even armed with the most advanced weather computer, whose lightning fast calculations approach about 400 million per second, its three-day forecasts are speculative, and its six to seven day forecasts are worthless.

In this day and age when the flaws and limitations of many conventional procedures and methods have come to light, man is seeking and finding solutions in alternative methodologies. Just about every area of life boasts of some alternative option. So why not alternative weather forecasts based on natural, environmentally safe, and providentially-provided processes?

Wouldnt it be great to know the times and places of hurricane formation and landfall months in advance? How about the when and where of other weather anomalies such as deep freezes, severe storms systems, and high velocity winds? All this is possible with Keplers method and would be a welcomed alternative for weather sensitive businesses like agriculture, the weather derivatives market, transportation etc. Although no forecast system, be it conventional or alternative, is 100 percent accurate, it is worth noting that based on this method my published long-range hurricane forecasts, prepared months in advance, were fulfilled in Hurricanes Isis (1998), Alberto (2000), Gilma (2000), and Tropical Storm Claudette (2003). Based on Keplers method, some of the best and worst weather for April 2005 is as follows:

April 1-3: A southerly airflow kicks in over the western Gulf of Mexico bringing warmer temperatures for the Deep South and on into the East Central States. Due to this increase in temperatures and humidity storms erupt over the area. The western U.S. is also slated for a warm up.

April 5-7: The Southeast, East Central and western U.S. continue warm and fair.

April 8-10: A storm system affecting the Ohio Valley and Southeast spreads inclement weather in the Northeast U.S. Low pressure brings thunderstorms to the Rockies and Plains. Special intensity is shown over New Mexico and Minnesota.

April 11-14: Cool and fair conditions are shown for the Plains, the Ohio Valley and Southeast. The Pacific Northwest is in store for an influx of very moist warm air around the 13th giving way to thunderstorm activity, which then continues westward over the Rockies.

April 15: The Middle Atlantic States turn stormy generating a low pressure system that heads across New England toward Nova Scotia.

April 18: The Pacific Northwest continues with higher than normal temperatures and humidity. With enough moisture in place, storms will fire up throughout the West Coast States. Temperatures are on the upswing over the Rockies and Front Range as well.

April 19: A front cutting through the Middle Atlantic States triggers storms, which continue through New England.

April 22-24: Fair conditions embrace the Plains and Intermountain West. Cool and clear weather finds its way over the Rockies and from the Southeast into New England.

April 26-27: Storms are triggered over the Southwest U.S. and Rockies.

April 27-28: Moisture is drawn up from the central Gulf of Mexico over Louisiana increasing temperatures and leading to storm activity throughout the Mississippi Valley, Deep South, and East Central States.

April 29-30: Most of New England sees fair weather except for Maine. The Pacific Northwest succumbs to storms while the Rockies are cool and clear. Moisture continues northward from the Gulf toward the Great Lakes setting off storms over Indiana and the surrounding area.

Ken Paone has been working with Kepler's long-range weather forecasting method for about 14 years. His published forecasts have appeared internationally. You can email Ken at or visit his blog at

An Introduction To Making Money Online With Affiliate Marketing

There are various ways to make money online, but affiliate marketing is a major way a lot of people make money from home, and it is fairly easy.

Affiliate Marketing Basics:

Affiliate marketing is promoting other peoples products for a commission of the sale price. If you were interested in promoting a product by Sony that offered a 10% commission and sold for $400, you would receive $40, as long as the person bought it through your link. A major affiliate marketing site is Clickbank.


Clickbank is the largest digital product site online. Clickbank contains thousands of products in different categories with thousands of affiliates promoting these products. If you want to make money as an affiliate, I advise signing up at Clickbank as an affiliate, heading over to the marketplace and selecting a category and product to promote. The higher the gravity, the more people who are already promoting this product, so the best thing to do is pick a product with around medium gravity (40-70) and start promoting it. Clickbank commission rates are about 75%, which is great, if you sell a $60 product you do not own, you will receive $45.

Promoting A Clickbank Product As An Affiliate:

You can set up a website, a blog, or set up a Google Adwords account and bid a small amount on keywords that relate to the product you are choosing to promote. ( You can even collect emails and promote products that way.

Amazon Affiliate Program

Amazon runs an affiliate program, they give 5% commission to start with, the more products you promote, the more your commission increases. You can promote products that cost more however, so still receive a good amount of commission even if the percentage rate is low. There are thousands of products to pick from.

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Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy - Can This Work?

If youve already tried a variety of the stop smoking aids, and youve tried quitting smoking without any help at all, you may think its just not meant to be. If you havent tried quit smoking hypnosis, you should take a minute to consider the possibility.

When the word hypnosis is mentioned, many people immediately conjure up images of the comedic hypnotists that make unsuspecting participants quack like a duck or perform some other ridiculous action. Hypnosis stop smoking programs are serious help for those with a serious desire to quit smoking cigarettes.

Theres no doubt that suggestion is a powerful tool. If you doubt that, just think about the amount of money spent on advertising. While its not hypnosis in the purest sense of the word, theres no doubt that advertising works because we are open to suggestion. This is the first major step before turning to hypnosis as quit smoking help you have to believe that hypnosis will work and open yourself to the power of suggestion.

Smoking cessation is undeniably difficult. One of the most common problems faced by those who seek out hypnotherapy seems to be the expectation that stop smoking help will be easy with hypnotherapy. The truth is that most who undergo hypnosis still report an occasional craving for a cigarette. Theres no doubt that stopping smoking isnt easy, and there seems to be no stop smoking methods that work without the will power of the smoker. If you want to know how to stop smoking without ever facing any cravings for another cigarette, youre looking for a magic cure unfortunately, it doesnt seem to exist.

Thats not to say that hypnosis doesnt work - quite the contrary. And there are those people who report that they never again have the desire to pick up another cigarette. Just dont enter into a hypnosis program expecting perfect results. This, like all quit smoking products and programs, should be counted as one part of the overall plan.

Quit smoking support is another important factor, and you may very well get the needed support as part of the hypnosis program. There could be a group that meets periodically, or the hypnotist may be available for additional consultations at no cost over a specific period of time.

Cost is another factor that keeps some people from seeking out hypnosis. Youll find that this isnt a free stop smoking program, but it may not be as expensive as you think. Youll find plenty of advertisements in most areas for around $100.

Despite what some people think, stop smoking hypnosis isnt a magic cure. Regardless of what stop smoking programs you try, youre likely going to experience some withdrawal and there will be times that cigarette smoking is appealing. But if youre ready for help to stop smoking, hypnosis may very well be just the answer youve been searching for.

Theres no doubt that smoking is detrimental to your health, and that there are incredible benefits to quitting. Isnt it time you considered hypnotherapy?

Steve Hill discusses the quit smoking process. Learn the facts before you decide which quit smoking product to buy. Read more no-hype stop smoking articles and information at: quit smoking.