Monday, February 18, 2008

Military Moms Are Special - For This Reason, Give Gifts To Them

There are many proud mom's of military service men and service woman across this great land of ours (the proud United States). And there are no better gifts to give these mom's except for military mom's gifts.

What kind of gifts are these?

These are gifts that are for mothers. But these gifts aren't for just any mother, they are for the elite military mother.

Here are a few gift ideas:

  • Special photo frames. These must be large enough to display not only photographs, but medals, pendants and certificates. You know those solider men and woman are always earning awards for bravery.

  • Flags. Military mom's love displaying these in all sizes and shapes. They especially like the kind that can be displayed outside for the world to see.

  • Flowers. Do you want to give these mother flowers? Remember their favorite colors most certainly are red, white and blue.

  • Tee shirts. Mom's love to display proudly what their children do. Give these mom's tee shirt proclaiming that their son/daughter is proudly in the Army, Navy, Marines, etc. Bumper stickers for their cars are also a nice thought.

  • Prepaid phone cards. These mom's can give them to their children. Then they can be sure to always be able to afford to call home, no matter where they are stationed.

  • Care packages for their sons and daughters. Better yet, help the mom with a drive to prepare care packages for their sons/daughters whole unit.

  • Cups and Mugs displaying son's/daughter's picture or a slogan about their son/daughter being in the military

  • License plate covers that proudly show that their son/daughter is a soldier, as well as magnets that can be put anywhere on their automobiles.

Mom's of soldiers are special mom's. They have unique worries than most. But they also have reason to be proud of their sons/daughters accomplishments. Show them that you are proud of those accomplishment, too. Give those mom's military mom's gifts.

My Gift Basket Ideas is an online gift basket store that specializes in great gift ideas for every occasion.

Gay Dating Personals

When you are single, meeting potential dates is intimidating. But men who date men have an additional worry to contend with: When they learn I am gay, would they avoid me?

This, however, does not imply that there are slim chances of finding gay men who would be interested in dating. The logic is, if you like a certain type of person (gay, in this instance), go where those types of people go. However, if you are shy of venturing into a gay bar, or live in an area that is not gay friendly, gay personals are a discreet way to connect with others in the gay community.

The days of negative stereotypes for personals are gone. Millions of people are finding compatible partners through personals, and gay personals are a good option to find gay men. Whether you are looking for a relationship, a sex partner, or someone to hang out with, gay personals provide a meeting ground for same-sex guys to meet singles.

Dont be flustered if you are unable to find someone interesting the first time; playing the dating game via personals is like playing a slot machine. It has tremendous potential but the odds are uncertain. There is a possibility of hitting the jackpot, but unless you are very lucky, you have to play more than a few times to win. Similarly, if responding to a gay personal does not work the first time, simply try again. Eventually it should pay off.

Once you have located the right person, find something the two of you have in common. If nothing is evident, ask him if he is interested in the things that interest you, and take it from there. Be honest with your potential date, but do not reveal personal details about yourself. Take your time getting to know one another. Gays often rush into relationships looking for love, companionship, and acceptance, and this creates pressure to move quickly into intimate relationships, which might be too much for the other person to deal with.

For online gay personals, check out's Gay Singles Online Community,,,, and

Dating Personals provides detailed information on Dating Personals, Free Dating Personals, Gay Dating Personals, Online Dating Personals and more. Dating Personals is affiliated with Christian Dating Services.

Tips for Choosing a Hotel

Whether you stay at a hotel occasionally for vacation or you are a road warrior business person who feels like you spend half of your life in hotels, here are 6 ways to make your stay at a hotel more enjoyable.

1.Before you go to sleep on the first night, make sure that the alarm clock is set for the time you want and that the television does not have an auto-on feature. People will sometimes set these for the middle of the night as a prank on the next person in the room, since the cleaning staff will rarely check them.

2.Bring your own refreshments since refreshments provided in the bar fridge found in the hotel room are often exorbitantly priced.

3.Bring any problems that you encounter to the attention of the front desk as soon as you see them so that they do not assume it was you that left the room in that condition. For example, if you are missing a towel, let them know right away so they don't think you stole it!

4.Hotels are charging for local calls now, and sometimes by the minute, so make sure to clarify upfront any potential telephone costs. Often, going down to the lobby and using the payphone there is much cheaper, even if it is not the most convenient.

5.It is okay to demand excellence from the hotel because you are paying good money to stay there. Just demand it in a polite and reasonable way and always with a smile.

6.A hotel, like a car-rental company or a video-rental store, has a fixed number of income producing units. These units are used by customers who are not always as accommodating to your schedule as you'd like them to be. If you get to the hotel and find that your room is not ready, relax! You'll find that by being patient and understanding, the hotel staff will bend over backwards to make sure you are happy; while, if you are abrupt and impatient, they will provide only the service that you're paying for, and they'll do so grudgingly. Remember, it is rarely the desk clerk's fault that your room is not ready for you. More often than not, it is because another customer was late leaving their room.

These six ideas will help you have a more enjoyable stay the next time you have to stay at a hotel.

Jeff Lakie is the founder of Hotel Resources a website providing information on Hotels

Self-Defense Personal Security Devices for Women

Women need to defend themselves from individuals who might want to cause them harm. As a result all women need their own personal security devices to help them defend predators, thieves, or would be attackers. There are all kinds of personal security devices women may use to protect themselves. Some of those include pepper spray, stun guns, and stun batons.

Pepper Spray
Pepper spray is an excellent option for women to carry in their purses or even on their key chains. This spray comes in a small aerosol can that when the button is pressed a stream of pepper spray ejects. If aimed at the attackers face and eyes it will cause them to stop in pain. The spray does not cause long-term harm but it does cause immediate pain that in most cases will stop the attacker in his tracks and give the woman time to escape. If you buy a pepper spray to carry with you then you should try it out once or twice to ensure you know how to use it and that the spray works well.

Stun Guns
Stun guns are another personal security device that women should consider carrying with them. A stun gun is a small hand held device that delivers a high voltage shock when it is touched to an individual for approximately three to five seconds. Once shocked the individual will lose control of their muscles, lose their balance, become confused and disoriented, and fall to the ground. The individual will recover completely within five to 10 minutes, but this is enough time for the woman to get away.

Stun Baton
A stun baton is a long metal baton, similar to a flashlight that has an electric shock head. This baton allows you to keep an attacker at arms length and you can shock them without having to be very close to them. This is an excellent way to protect yourself and fend off would be attackers.

These are just some of the security devices available for women. There are other options available as well that will help women protect themselves in a scary situation. Hopefully every women out there carrying a stun gun, stun baton, or pepper spray will never need to use it. But in the case where it becomes necessary it could be a lifesaver. All women should carry some form of self-defense with them at all times, especially if they travel alone at night.

Caitlina Fuller is a freelance writer. There are all kinds of personal security devices women may use to protect themselves. Some of those include pepper spray, stun guns, and stun batons. Stun guns are another personal security device that women should consider carrying with them. A stun gun is a small hand held device that delivers a high voltage shock when it is touched to an individual for approximately three to five seconds.