Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Attaboy! Encouraging Phrases That Build Confidence

Home, home on the range,
Where never is heard
A discouraging word
And the skies are not cloudy all day!

Oh, that would be wonderful but most parents and bosses tend to feel that criticism and pointing out what is wrong will make others want to do what is right. However, people cannot improve unless they feel good enough about themselves to believe they are capable of improvement. An encouraging parent stops using negative comments about a child and uses methods, words and actions that indicate a respect for the child and a faith in his abilities.

Jack Canfield of Chicken Soup for the Soul fame often cites a study done by some graduate students who followed a normal group of two-year olds around for a day. These average kids from average homes received 432 negative statements as opposed to 32 positive statements daily. The teachers, aides and other children were constantly saying, Dont touch that. No, it is done this way No, you are not big enough. The national PTO (Parent teacher Organization) found the ratio of praise to criticism of school age children to be 18 negative to each positive. It is such automatic action to state things in the negative; we have to learn the words to use in encouraging our children.

Encouragement is the process of focusing on your childrens assets and strengths in order to build their self-confidence and feelings of worth. I like to think of the word encourage broken into en courage meaning I am giving you the gift of courage. Inherent in that gift is the idea that it is okay to take risks and perhaps even to fail, but to go ahead and try it anyway. We need to convey though words and gestures that we appreciate their efforts and improvement not just their accomplishments. We need to make sure they understand that our love and acceptance is not dependent on their behavior or winning the prize in soccer.

Here is a list of 15 encouraging words and phrases that will assist your child to keep trying and increase his self-esteem and confidence.

1.I like the way you handled that 2.Wow, you really thought out the solution to that problem 3.I have faith in your ability 4.I appreciate what you did 5.You are really showing improvement 6.I know you will figure out a good way to do it next time 7.You dont have to be perfect. Effort and improvement are important. 8.I trust you to be responsible 9.It must make you proud of yourself when you accomplish something like that 10.You are a valuable part of the team 11.It is okay to make a mistake, we all do. What do you think you learned from it? 12.How can we turn this into a positive? 13. Im proud of you for trying 14.Ill bet by next year you will be able to handle it, you just need to grow a little 15.I know you are disappointed that you didnt win, but youll do better next time.

Good luck in your efforts to be more positive and encouraging to those around you. Your children, family and employees will be grateful and will rise to your expectations. You do an important work.

2004 Judy H. Wright, Parent Educator, author and international speaker.

Please go to www.ArtichokePress.com for a full line of books, workshops and cds on parenting, as well as FREE e-zine, Artichoke-finding the heart of the story in the journey of life.

Judy H. Wright,Parent and family educator, author, international speaker and personal historian located in beautiful Missoula, Montana phone: 406-549-9813 Email: JudyWright@ArtichokePress.com For FREE reports and ezine subscribtion, please go to: http://www.ArtichokePress.com

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How to Improve Semen - Sperm Taste for Gourmets?

"Consuming pineapple or parsley helps sweeten the taste of the male sperm ejaculate. Can there be any truth to this and what other foods affect the taste, for better or for worse?"

Yes, what you eat can influence the taste and smell of your semen - sperm. This is similar to the smell of your sweat on the next day of a heavy spice and garlic full dinner.

Because the average ejaculate consists mostly of protein, citric acid, fructose, sodium, chloride and smaller amounts of ammonia, ascorbic acid, acid phosphates, calcium, carbon dioxide, cholesterol, prostaglandins, creatine, and other minerals and chemicals which are produced by the prostate gland, Cowpers gland, testicles and many other parts of your body, but shortly by "your body", and your body can only use its stocks and what you eat as the raw material.

Of course, every body has its own formula for semen - sperm creation, but eating less meat (and proteins) and more carbohydrates, vegetables and fresh fruits may improve the taste and smell. For example parsley is a healthy plant and may help making your body juices sweeter.

In general, dairy products create the foulest tasting fluids, alkaline based foods as meat and fish produce a butter, fish like taste. Fruits and high quality alcoholic drinks are good for a pleasant, sugary flavor. Chemically processed liquors may cause an acidic taste.

The semen - sperm ejaculate of each male has a unique taste. When some men have bitter, burnt, sour and strong tasting ejaculates, some others, particularly vegetarians, may have sweet, nut like tasting semen - sperm. But in order to produce healthy and fertile sperm your body will need protein rich in zinc as well.

Strong and significant semen - sperm smell may also indicate an infection in the genital area and men must consult an urologist without losing time.

In the other hand, women also have to improve the salty and acidic taste of their vaginal secretions, but the strong and foul smell may be caused by the lack of cleanness, better is to visit a gynecologist periodically and keep the consultation records.

Certainly your body's duty is not producing tasty semen - sperm, but healthy and fertile ejaculates. Everything healthy and good for your body is also healthy and good for your semen - sperm. Drink mild water when you wake up and keep drinking more water than you usually drink during the day! Water will help to clean your body's pipeline including your bowels, and drinking 6 - 8 glasses of water daily will help your body to detoxicate. Eat less meat, more vegetables, drink less alcohol and specially stop smoking!

If your partner really loves you, she/he must love everything about you and your body. Don't spend your precious time to be busy with small details, learn how to be a great lover that your partner is not interested with your semen - sperm taste or smell instead.

Finally, we believe that if two people are in love with each other they won't be too disturbed even the semen - sperm taste is unsupportable, and will find a way to cover this default with condom, flavored lubricant, mouthwash... But the important question is how to produce healthy and good quality sperm, and avoid the transmission of many diseases and addictions to future generations!

Amy Guven is a founder partner of Vitalinfocenter.com since 2000 and author of the famous "Amy's Better Sex & Relationships Tutorial - Reshape your Womanhood". Including all vital sex tips, tricks, techniques, pro methods and special relationship advice, and being highly successful as a reference book, Amy's Better Sex & Relationships Tutorial is helping people who try to live a good life worldwide.

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Characteristics of Mammals

Of all the classes of animal life, mammals are considered the most advanced and probably the most popular class. Dogs and cats are mammals, squirrels and rabbits in our backyards are mammals as well. Horses, sheep, baboons, giraffes and elephants are mammals. For that matter, we human beings are mammals too.

Mammals vary greatly in size. The smallest mammal is the shrew with a body that is only a little more than 2 inches long and weighs less than some insects. In contrast, the largest mammal is the blue whale, which can sometimes measure up to 100 feet long and weigh as much as 130 tons. Mammals also differ in appearance in shape. Most of them walk on four legs, but not all of them do. Some mammals fly. Dolphins and whales have lost their hind limbs and now have taken fish-like shapes and spend their entire lives in the ocean.

What is a mammal? Mammals are vertebrates - they are animals with backbones. All mammals have lungs and breathe in air and all of them are warm-blooded (they are able to maintain a constant body temperature regardless of the outside temperature.) Mammals and birds share a common characteristic - the possession of four-chambered hearts that circulate blood efficiently to all parts of the body. All mammals, except two types that lay eggs, give birth to living young and provide protection and care for them before and after birth. Mammals are the only animals that possess true hair and the capacity to produce milk. In fact, the word "mammal" comes from the Latin word "mamma" which means "breast".

Mammals have other characteristics that are not so obvious. A mammal's heart and lungs are separated from the stomach by a wall of muscle called the diaphragm. A mammal's lower jaw has a single bone on each side. Mammals also have different types of teeth adapted to different uses. And most importantly, mammal brains are much more highly developed than the brains of any other animal.

In the struggle to survive, warm blood, improved methods of caring for young and superior intelligence have all given mammals great advantages through the ages. In fact, many scientists consider mammals as the dominant animals of the world.

Yet mammals did not start out immediately as mammals. Strange as it may seem, they rose from the reptile family. In the Mesozoic era, a branch of reptiles began to grow coats of hair instead of armor and slowly turned warm-blooded. Some of them began to keep eggs inside their bodies instead of laying eggs. The first mammals were probably very tiny and timid creatures, like today's rats and mice. They were nocturnal and hid for protection during the day. When conditions of the Earth gradually changed, the dinosaurs could not adapt to this dramatic shift, so their numbers grew smaller and smaller. When they died out, the more adaptable mammals later arose in the Miocene epoch.

Between 3500 and 5000 species of mammals live in the world today and more varieties under them. Many of these animals can trace their lineage to their ancestors that adapted and survived through the Ice Age. Now, mammals have developed in a bewildering variety of sizes and shapes, classified by scientists according to body structure and relationships. In all, under the mammal kingdom, there are now 18 different groups or orders.

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Erectile Dysfunction Treatments

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) has, at times, been referred to as impotence. Simply defined, ED is the inability to achieve or sustain an erection long enough or firm enough for satisfactory sexual activity. ED affects the lives of many men and their partners. Although more common in older men, it can and does effect men of all ages.

The Massachusetts Male Aging Study is perhaps the most comprehensive study to date on ED. It found that 52% of males between the ages of 40 and 70 have some degree of ED ranging from mild to severe. The study confirmed that the incidence of ED increases with age 39% affected by ED at age 40 increasing to 67% by age 70. It also found that most ED is caused by physical factors related to the vascular system problems (blood flow). Z-STRIPSTM are designed to increase blood flow to the penis and so, it may be the answer for you. It may also be the answer if your ED is due to psychological or a combination of physical and psychological issues.

Signs of erectile dysfunction include:

  • Erections take longer to achieve
  • Erections require more stimulation and are not as rigid
  • Inability to obtain a full erection on occasion
  • Inability to sustain an erection throughout sexual activity
  • Less intense orgasms and ejaculating more quickly
  • Total inability to achieve an erection

If a pattern of ED develops it can have a dramatic negative impact on the man and his partner. It can become a source of mental and emotional stress on both, damaging their self-image and threatening their relationship. Before this happens, it may be time to treat your ED with Z-STRIPSTM.

Dont wait until its too late

Erectile dysfunction is best treated promptly. Lack of use of any organ can cause progressive loss of function and atrophy due to the increasing loss of healthy tissue. This is particularly important in the case of penile health. Heres why

Penile tissue stays healthy and functional only with a constant supply of oxygenated blood. This only happens with regular erection episodes. So, without regular erections you can lose healthy penile tissue which will only lead to the increasing loss of function. Eventually, this loss becomes irreversible.

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