Monday, March 10, 2008

How To Make A Million In 365 Days - Step 1

Just how do you become a $ millionaire in 365 days? Please do NOT follow a get rich quick or pyramid scheme. Instead, find a program that will take you step by step, in 250, yes, 250, separate lessons (called modules), on how to build a successful web based business that should make you over $1m in any one year. Trust me, you need to have your hand held through every process, including step by step written, video and audio tutorials. Whichever program you eventually choose please one that is Google centric. Here is why:

1) Google controls about 60% of the Internet search market, do well with them and you have conquered 60% of the market

2) Google will keep changing its algorithms (the ranking rules) in order to protect their advertising revenues.

3) Google does not want to fill its databases with scraped automated content There are enough artists and get rich quick merchants out there to keep the Google thought police very busy. Many will fall for the appeal of short-term-gain and try and build 1,000s of automated content sites. You need to stay within the rules and therefore stay under the Google radar.

4) About 94% of web sites FAIL.

5) The barriers to entry are low and the returns on investment are potentially incredibly high. Where else can you invest so little and recoup so much?

6) This creates a passive income i.e. as your revenues grow your work load does not grow at the same pace

7) This is creating a long term business model that will generate revenues for 10, maybe 20 years hence.

What do I need to do to become successful? ACTION 1 Decide whether you want success bad enough. Think about the time invested, every week. Think about the financial commitment. Do NOT proceed unless you are comfortable with both. If you choose not to proceed then that is okay too and I wish you well in whatever you choose to do instead. However, if you have decided to go ahead then there are certain things that you will need to do in preparation. They are as follows: ACTION 2 Believe and commit. No ifs, no buts. Believe and commit. Your life has now changed.ACTION 3 Go for a walk. I am serious. Two hours please, on your own, in nature or in a park at the very least. You need to get in touch with the Earth.

No children, no partner, just you and your thoughts. On that walk, think about how your life has progressed so far, are you where you want to be? Can you change it? What are your dreams? Do you believe this is possible? Can YOU do it? Think how you are going to make the time and investment money available. Think about what you are going to do when you have made your first million. Think about what you are going to buy. Think about the 10% you are going to give away to charity. Who to? What charity? Think about the difference YOU can make to your life and to the lives of others. ACTION 4 When you get back from your walk I want you to find a picture of the two things that you are going to buy when you have succeeded. For example, if you have decided that you want to buy a nice holiday cottage somewhere and a sports car then please find pictures of both of these and stick them on the wall in front of your desk space or computer.

I want you to look at these every day.ACTION 5 I also want you to think about the charitable 10%. Who are you going to donate to? More importantly, who are the PEOPLE that this is going to help? For example, if you decide to donate to an orphanage in Africa and also help the homeless in your hometown, I want you to find a picture of an orphan and a homeless person and I want those to go on the wall, next to the pictures of your house and car (or whatever). Again, this is not just about YOU, there are other lives at stake. ACTION 6 Last one for the day. Go to a charity store and I want you to find a symbol for each of your pictures. For example, the cottage could be represented by a door knocker, the car by a drivers glove, the orphanage by a childrens book, the homeless by a warm pair of socks. To be honest, I do not mind what the object is, it is the symbolism I am after, as long as it makes sense to you, that is the important thing. I want you to imagine that you will present or use the object when you have succeeded i.e. Dear Homeless Shelter, here is a pair of socks, in each of the socks you will find $25,000 I hope they can keep a few people warm this winter. I want you to imagine. Think about these things every day. Thoughts make things. By the way, as we go through the year we will be keeping to a pretty tight budget so let us start here. Each item should not cost more than $2.00.

Allen Jesson writes for several sites including ones about a home based net marketing business and m1in365 and allenjesson.


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